I had read and heard nightmares of "those awful willows" and thought we would have a solid freeze / snow to our advantage. [Me: "Yay, there will be a well defined trail on snowpack through the willows!" Willows: "Haha, sucka, you still screwed!"] It turned out that although we weren't sinking knee-deep in mud and getting into turf wars with beavers, we did end up doing a fair bit of route discovery and willow-wrestling. It seemed at times we were following tracks of folks who had no better idea of where to go that us, as was probably the case. I am really surprised that there isn't a better marked or official trail through that mess, because it increases the difficulty by an order of magnitude (if such a thing is possible, but I'm pretty sure I just made that up). At any rate, this hike seemed like it had 4 phases (which may fit since it's about 4 miles each way):
- the willows
- the gully (far easier than it looks)
- exiting the gully and bonking before lunch
- scrambling about a mile to the summit
- enjoy a familiar view (having driven to the top several times)
- scrambling back to the gully
- running out of water
- descending the gully with tired legs
- getting horrible cottonmouth (note: eating snow doesn't help much)
- trying to keep up with Ryan while we both race the sinking sun
Enough ranting. We did have several high points to speak about on this occasion.
- There were far fewer people on the trail than last summer's Bierstadt outing. We kept commenting on how quiet it was, which was nice.
- We saw a very beautiful alpenglow sunset on our way back to the Jeep.
- We saw more wildlife than we have on previous 14er outings, including 3 Bighorn sheep, 3 mountain goats, and 2 foxes. (I'm pretty sure the 2nd fox, which we saw within eyesight of the Jeep on the return, actually spoke to us and welcomed us back to the trailhead... then again, I could have been hallucinating.)
- We also completed our first range on the 14ers to-do list, which was a nice milestone. We have yet to set foot on a San Juan, Elk, or Sangre de Cristo range 14er summit, but hopefully there will be days ahead for that.
- We completed our first 14er in the month of October. (October now joins June, July, and August for that distinction.)
- Personally, I also put my new mountaineering boots, Scarpa Triolets, through their first day and they passed with flying colors. They kept my feet dry, blister-free, and warm all day long. I'm excited to use them for hopefully many snow hike/climbs in the future.
- The views of Bierstadt and the Sawtooth ridge were very nice.
- We camped at a great spot Friday night well below treeline on the south side of the pass in Park county.
- The weather was ideal.
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/brett_burch/sets/72157608181341572/
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