Wednesday, May 28, 2008

1 mtn lion and a wedding (... thankfully no funerals)

It has, yet again, been a while since I've updated this. This post will hopefully catch us up through May.

The weekend before Ben and Danielle's wedding I went mountain bike riding in Golden Gate Canyon State Park outside of Golden. Joe, his neighbor Dave and I rode the Mountain Lion trail, renowned as one of the best in the area. I felt very good the entire ride and was pleased with my climbing as well as downhilling... my lungs have come a long way since Walker Ranch last fall! At one point I saw what I still believe to be a mountain lion paw print in the mud/snow. It was either a mountain lion or the biggest dog I've ever seen... I'm still not 100% sure, but have a renewed appreciation for my secretive feline neighbors after seeing a print as big as I did. I'm looking forward to getting back on the trail and keeping my lungs and legs in shape this summer!

A few days later I hit the dusty trail eastward for Nashville. I took 3 days off of work (and wished I could have taken 3 more) for what turned out to be a fantastic family reunion/wedding/meet & greet with new friends/etc. To start, I was blown away by how green Tennessee and Kentucky were! I forgot how lush that part of the US is, and found I missed it. The flora and fauna seem somewhat plain in Boulder compared to that of the Appalachian foothills. Secondly, I've always loved traveling and that rejuvenated feeling which hitting the road provides. Solo road trips seem to work wonders in this way, stripping away all the debris that has collected since the last solo road trip, until I feel exactly like myself again. [Is that some sort of a warning sign that I enjoy being alone too much?] The drive from Nashville to Owensboro was no exception. [... except for the lack of bluegrass on the radio. How does one drive past the boyhood home of Bill Monroe and not find a bluegrass song on the radio??? Disappointing... but I got over it.]
I found Owensboro to be a quaint town; an ideal setting for a May wedding. It was almost as if you could see the memories of growing up there, or conjure new ones, when driving through town. Owensboro seemed old but not out of date, simple yet profound in its message to overly-complicated urban America. I also found the time spent with grandparents, siblings, parents, etc to be much needed and well received. These things I was prepared for. What I was not prepared for was the instant camaraderie found between me and the rest of Ben's friends. It was as if they had known me for years. To a certain extent, I suppose they had known a portion of me for years, and that was enough. We had a fun yet clean bachelor party, a smooth rehearsal and a perfect wedding. I can only hope that the support I surround myself with on my wedding weekend is as solid as what Ben had.
It would be impossible for me to summarize the wedding weekend here, but let's just say that I came away from it with a profound appreciation for what I had before misunderstood as my brother's misguided and lax tour through college, and a better appreciation for the way in which Ben and Danielle compliment each other. I was also unprepared for realizing in those few days that my little brother had grown up without me noticing, and discovering that he is in many respects more wise and mature than I am. While on the plane back to Denver I decided to not be the same person as I was before that trip. [Baby steps!]

To close, I'll report on the weekend after the wedding. On Sunday the 25th Tim, Darren and I attempted to boulder on Flagstaff just west of Boulder. Wow... I've climbed outside before (even in Boulder) but never bouldered. This was humbling. V0 problems felt like V∞. Having climbed around Boulder for years in a previous life, Darren gave us the official Flagstaff tour. After a few minutes my fingertips felt like they'd been scraped by a cheese grater. This, friends, was nothing like the Spot. It was humbling, yet definitely motivating. I hope to be able to traverse some of those problems with ease in the future (just don't tell my fingers). Afterwards I felt I hadn't pushed my body enough so I decided to go riding at Walker Ranch. When I got there I decided on the Meyers Homestead trail instead due to rain, since it's much easier to turn around on the Meyers trail. I had a nice ride, and did not see anyone else the entire time. Solitude proved the theme of Memorial Day weekend. All in all, my second May in Boulder was very good to me. Here's hoping June is more of the same!

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